Mazisi Kunene Foundation
Mathabo Kunene is on the Board of Directors of the Gcinamasiko Foundation. The Mazizi Kunene Foundation promotes African languagues writing. The organization honours the works of prof. Mazizi Kunene in isiZulu, with a museum dedicated to his works and all types of literary, music and other arts events. Both organisations support each other with content, logistics and other support to ensure that our events are successful.
Ewing Trust
The Charitable Division of Ewing Trust Company Ltd (FSP 713) was established in 2005 by Andrew Ewing, the founder and former Director of ETCL. The Charitable Division provides a comprehensive service to Charitable Trusts; from registration of new Charitable Trusts, including Non Profit and Public Benefit Organisation registrations, assistance with legislative, statutory and compliance requirements and regulations, as well as transparent financial administration and management. Ewing Trust continues to assist us with financial legislature and compliance, with Iain Ewing on our board of trustees. Through them we are able to operate and continue the work that we do with so much passion.
Puku Foundation
Puku Foundation is an online book publisher and children’s book promotor, their founder Elinor Sisulu is also an author and a great advocator for African writers to make their way into South African schools. Over and above our general practical support e.g. making their staff available to assist with events, Puku has collaborated with us in hosting events and creating a catalogue of Dr Mhlophe’s complete published works including those supporting GAHT initiatives.
A Cape Town based book distribution agency and has been a partner to Gcina Mhlophe since 2001. Since then they have donated in excess of 200 000 books - boxfuls of brand-new books in whatever language we need – they specialize in African languages and we are very grateful for that. They will continue to support us in 2015 and beyond. Biblionef are also printing and fundraising to print braille books by South African authors and Gcinamasiko is now able to take braille books to special schools where.
Durban Music School
The centre draws many talented young musicians from the surrounding townships and because it is centrally situated it can accommodate children from all over the Durban Metropolitan area. Four times a year the centre puts on concerts and invites the community to come and listen at no charge and these concerts are a highlight in this area, with many of the local children performing in them. DMS has sponsored use of their venue and band many times since our partnership began, for annual events such as the Spirit of Light, Nozincwadi International Storytelling Festival and World Book Day.
Children's Book Network
Leslie Beake and Sindiwe Magona together with Gcina Mhlophe were the founding members of the Children's Book Network. They do a lot of similar work to Gcinamasiko such as running empowerment workshops, hosting storytelling telling events, helping to set up libraries at schools in the Western Cape Area. As a result their partnership with us has always been a driven one founded on the same values to bring the wonder of stories and literacy to people from all walks of life in South Africa.
Robinhood Foundation
Their over-riding mission at the Robin Hood Foundation is to make a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate in KZN, whoever they may be. They take spare resources from individuals and companies and redistribute these resources directly into the hands of those in need. Not only do they attend our events but they support us in various ways e.g. they provide in-kind support such as food, snacks, gifts to grandmothers, children, arriving in a convey of cars loaded with gifts for the schools, grandmothers and children’s homes we support.
The Valley Trust
This is an organization with a very powerful history which started as a clinic in Valley of A Thousand Hills and grew rapidly - raised awareness in an area where very few people go to except tourists – there is a serious need for that community to be taken care of. They have a library where high schools and university students can interact and study together – they mentor each other – this is very rare as this peer support which is vital is not prevalent in many communities. Gcinamasiko and Biblionef hosted an event in 2014 in which Valley Trust donated the venue which included teacher motivation - 42 schools attended from Valley of a 1000 hills, Intshanga, Hammersdale and surrounds. They also continue to join forces with us when hosting events at schools, book launches and running adult learning programmes.
KwaZulu Natal Museum
The community in Pietermaritzburg townships, rural areas surrounds feel isolated – this town is generally overlooked within the cultural and development programming schedule with artists organisations opting for Durban instead. In 2014 Gcinamasiko partnered with the National Museum of South Africa and hosted a very successful festival in April 2014. Twenty four schools attended, including special needs schools. We will partner again for the next Nozincwadi Storytelling Festivals.
Videovision Entertainment
Videovision Entertainment is among the leading independent film distributors in South Africa, acquiring more than 3 500 international films for distribution in the country over the last 25 years. Videovision Entertainment has produced more than 80 feature films over the past 30 years in South Africa, the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Hong Kong. Having produced a film, Place of Weeping, that Dr Mhlophe starred in, the longstanding relationship continued into the organisation. Videovision has filmed video pitches for funding for us, including that of the Memory House Project. They continue to donate their services and expertise to us.